Poll results: Hitting the pause button

Are tweets and posts too much with us? Many say ‘yes.’

The majority of respondents to a recent HBSDealer poll question agreed that it would a “very good” idea to simply take a break from social media.

And you can tweet that.

More than 60 percent said a temporary break on social media posting would be “a very good idea.” Another 18 percent said it would be a “good idea.”

Here is the survey question and the results.

Is it a good idea to take a break from social media?

The question grew out of a recent HBSDealer Eye on Retail article that described a course of action from L.L. Bean during the month of May, which not coincidentally is Mental Health Awareness Month. The apparel brand said it would take a month-long break from posting on social media.

L.L. Bean’s rationale is contained in this quote:

“My great-grandfather Leon Leonwood Bean believed that nature is the most powerful antidote to the stresses of life, a conviction confirmed by modern research,” said Shawn Gorman, L.L.Bean executive chairman. “Our priority at L.L.Bean is to support our customers on their outdoor journeys, outfitting them in quality gear and creating greater accessibility to outdoor activities. We’re honored to partner with Mental Health America and Strava to encourage as many people as possible to experience the restorative power of time spent outside.”

What are your thoughts on social media? Let us know at [email protected].

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