One-on-One with Tony Misura

HBSDealer interviews the founder of the Misura Group, the LBM industry executive recruiting firm.
Ken Clark

The latest edition of HBSDealer’s One on One series of video interviews successfully recruited Tony Misura, the founder of the Misura Group, to appear on camera. The Misura Group is an LBM-focused executive recruitment firm.

Coming to the ProDealer Industry Summit

Tony Misura will join the National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association,  HBSDealer and industry leaders at the upcoming ProDealer Industry Summit in Kansas City.

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During the 10-minute interview, Tony Misura shares how his career path took him through Menards at a very early age, and offers a recruiting-based analysis of the challenges and opportunities in the industry today.

“Leaders who are really effective building businesses that can take average people and make them great —that’s a big defining factor in this time of limited human resources,” he said.

Watch the full interview above.

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