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The eye of the buyer

True Value Reunion puts independent hardware owners in touch with their inner boss.
Alan Parnell
New True Value hardware owner Alan Parnell takes a moment out of his browsing and buying to discuss why he desired to be an independent retail hardware store owner.

I want you to meet someone.

He’s Alan Parnell, new owner of Community Hardware in Greenville, North Carolina. His store recently opened.

He’s been an owner for two months. Oh and, this is his first hardware show.

Parnell, like many attendees here at the True Value Fall 2023 Reunion show in Houston, is looking to make purchases for next spring – and summer too.

“I’m planning to make the biggest gardening space ever,” he said excitedly. “We’ve leased a large warehouse space next to my store and it will be an indoor-outdoor go-to happening.”

Alan is a great guy, full of energy and hopefulness. But the other reason I want you to know him is for his last sentence before continuing to scan the aisles for outdoor items.

When asked why he became a hardware store owner, Parnell said, “I had to leave my last job and become an independent hardware owner – I had to be my own boss.”

Fred Betti
Owner Fred Betti is looking to expand his outdoor offerings and like many attendees, is looking to a stronger sales year next year.

If “be my own boss” doesn’t tap into what drives our hardware world, what does?

Fred Betti, owner of Papa’s Hardware in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts came to the Reunion with his wife to expand his garden and outdoor area.

“We have a decent flower business and are steadily growing, no pun intended,” he said.

Betti is eyeing the patio furniture now. He points to it and tells me, “I’d like to buy more outdoors but I’d need more space for that.”

He indicated that this has been a tougher year for business overall but expectations are for improvement next year.

The Reunion show floor is spread out with plenty of elbow room, running long from side-to-side once you enter the main doors.

Lots of hardware brand names are to the right, along with an expansive area titled Work Zone for people to sit, unfold laptops and chit-chat while doing their work.

Discount City thru bubble
The Discount City area of the True Value Reunion show floor seen through the bubble window on the observation deck.

Center and straight back is a stage with giveaways, announcements, booming rock music, and educational programs happening throughout the day.

To the left is a seemingly endless lawn, garden and outdoor area that ends with large dual arenas called Discount City and Supply Chain that are attracting the bulk of attendees at the show.

There are outdoor products galore and Rescue’s new FlyPad, as well as items such as WoodStream’s hummingbird feeders, Alpine’s LED jar lights, and ZendoZones candles are just a few of the offerings attendees are checking out.

Over in Discount City, the crowd of attendees checking out products is busy taking photos on their cell phone cameras and checking out the information on the items.

It’s not lost on this reporter that the Reunion is a gathering of independent owners looking for the most advantageous buys to keep their business profitable and continue to be their own boss.

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