Poll question: You and Chat GPT

To what extent have you used this AI-infused technology?

One of the most accessible manifestations of the growing field of artificial intelligence is Chat GPT from Open AI, an artificial intelligence research company.

What is Chat GPT? 

When you type the question “What is Chat GPT?” into the Chat GPT chat field, the following answer emerges in a few seconds: 

“Chat GPT is a language model developed by OpenAI. It is based on the GPT-3.5 architecture, which stands for ‘Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3.5.’ It is part of a series of models that utilize deep learning techniques to generate human-like text based on the provided input.

“GPT models are trained on a vast amount of text data from the internet and can generate coherent and contextually relevant responses to a wide range of prompts.”

The answer goes on for another paragraph or two, but the point is this: the artificial-intelligence product allows the user to ask anything (within reason), and the user will receive in just a few seconds an answer grabbed from the collective wisdom of the internet. 

Do you have any business application for Chat GPT? Let us know at [email protected].

Tell us how you use Chat GPT.
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